If you're not running UX research and learning about your customers, you're not evolving. The problem is that UX research can often be hampered by process:
- research is conducted on a project-by-project basis
- research deliverables are shared in one-time reports
- research lives in silos
This can often hamstring the effectiveness of UX research in an organization. This generally disorganized way of conducting UX research means you fail to capture a lot of key UX insights—and what insights you do glean will be discovered very inefficiently.
UX researchers are reimagining their process by building UX research pipelines that are:
- centralized, in a single database
- focused on sharing all information across a variety of teams
- automating as much of the research pipeline as possible
This shift to a single, collaborative environment is making UX research more powerful and efficient. And there's no reason why you can't institute this new kind of UX research in your own work.
What follows is a collection of our favorite articles on everything about the new way to conduct UX research: how to build a centralized, maximally efficient UX research system; which UX research tools can help improve your process; how to troubleshoot your existing UX research methods; and deep dives into the work of prominent UX researchers on the field's bleeding edge.
Evolving your research process
UX research methods are constantly evolving and improving, and your own process shouldn't be an exception in that regard.
Especially at a time when the entire philosophy of UX research is evolving from siloed to centralized, you need the resources to critically interrogate your own methods and see how they can be improved. These articles on UX research improvement will help you out.
Democratizing UX
We've set out to democratize UX with a system we call Polaris. Our intentions are to meet three needs of WeWork team members:
1. Prioritize: Decide whether one project is more important than another based on data rather than passion and gut feeling. Polaris helps with identifying valid and reliable user needs.
2. Educate: Polaris helps with getting insights from actual users about a project that is already in progress.
3. Allocate: If a team is looking for its next project, big or small, Polaris helps deciding what that project might be.
The Two Sides of Research
Get the most out of your research with storytelling
How-to guides

UX research isn't just something you do: it's an integral part of product development and improvement, from start to finish.
These how-to guides will give you clear and direct methods for building UX research directly into your overall development pipeline, letting you get high-impact feedback on your product every step of the way.
How to build a UX research system that runs on autopilot
How to create a collaborative UX workflow for research
A step-by-step guide to running competitor analysis
What metadata actually matters for user interviews
Closing the feedback loop
Tools for getting started

There are a million tools out there for “UX research,” but having a tool isn't enough—even if that tool's a good one. You need to create a system of UX tools that work well together in order to get the most out of your research pipeline.
Ideally, your tools won't just give you data on a particular part of UX: rather, each tool will contribute to a big-picture understanding of what's working and what isn't in your UX, where that big picture is backed by much more granular data at each stage of the pipeline.
These articles collect the best tools for every aspect of UX research, telling you what software you can use for which purpose, and what kinds of plans (free, enterprise, and everything in between) are available.
43 UX research tools for optimizing your product
3 user research templates built by UX experts
UX Research Cheat Sheet
Base templates

If you want even more templates to use as a foundational structure for your UX research, take a look at the following bases that have all been designed for that very purpose.
New Feature UX Research
Polaris UX Nuggets
Zapier's User Studies
Lean Design Research for Emotional Data
UX Methods & Projects
Examples and case studies in the wild
Maybe you prefer learning through a good case study—after all, there's something especially informative about studying cases of something done well when you're trying to figure out how to do it well yourself.
In this section, we cover articles that highlight particular people and companies doing noteworthy work in UX research.
The art of UX research according to Begoña Chorén Jiménez, Lead UX Researcher at Autodesk
Democratizing UX
Get researching
Taking the time to build a principled, unified UX research program will make sure that the right people are finding, using, and getting the most out of your product. And there's no reason for this to be a guessing game: there's already a lot of great research on what the next wave UX research will look like!
So get reading—your users will thank you!