Automation on Airtable just got easier

Automation on Airtable just got easier

We’re Zapier power users over here at Airtable, and for good reason. With Zapier, you can easily integrate Airtable with over 750 tools and create sophisticated, automated workflows.

Today, Zapier for Teams is getting an upgrade and that means Airtable users who power their workflows with Zapier integrations are in for a treat.

Let’s say you’ve built an epic workflow for managing UX research, like Zapier did here:

With this base, you can do everything from collect customer feedback, to manage customer interviews, to filter down and prioritize what to build next. And with Zapier integrations, you can automatically email users to set up a call, backup recordings of customer conversations to Dropbox instantaneously, and keep the rest of the company in the loop with Slack updates along the way.

Psst: want to steal the Zapier team's workflows for yourself? Here are the Zaps the product team uses to power up their research tasks.

It is truly the perfect project management machine. So perfect, in fact, that your colleague wants to give it a try.

Before this update, you’d have to recreate each of these connections one by one in your own account. But with Zapier for Teams and shared folders, this process just got a whole lot easier. Now, all you have to do is move the integrations into a shared folder in your Zapier account to share them with the rest of your team. Once an integration is added to one of your shared folders, anyone on the team is able to view, edit or copy the workflow.

If you’re like us, you may have just started applauding spontaneously. With this update, it is now easier than ever to use Airtable and Zapier with your entire team.