Airtable Employee Spotlight: Lawrence Le Blanc, Business Development Representative

Have you ever wondered about the team behind Airtable? Starting today, we're introducing a new series: Airtable Employee Spotlights! In each spotlight, one member of the Airtable team will interview another member of the team as they discuss their creative inspirations, career journey, and more.

For our first First up: Wade Morgan, one of our earliest account executives, interviews Lawrence Le Blanc, a Business Development Representative.

Wade Morgan (pictured left) interviews Lawrence Le Blanc (pictured right).

Wade: Where are you from?

Lawrence: I’m a third-generation San Francisco native, from Bayview. My family has an Italian food distribution company, selling wholesale pesto. It’s how I was introduced to entrepreneurship and sales.

Wade: What is your role at Airtable?

Lawrence: I’m a business development representative. Our role is to educate customers on the power of Airtable and create opportunities for the greater sales team.

Wade: How long have you been with us?

Lawrence: Six months! I started in August.

Wade: What’s something you’ve created that you’re really proud of? It could be professional or personal.

Lawrence: Earlier in my career, I created an artist management company. We worked with talent to create business opportunities to support artists, and helped them develop a platform to express and monetize their work. Our goal was to make these tools accessible to help creative people build a business and have good quality of life. It turns out startups are very similar to the record business—the latter is just less well-funded.

Wade: What’s a weird or interesting fact about yourself?

Lawrence: I’m a California state-certified firefighter.

Wade: What was the last book, song, movie, or other piece of art that moved or inspired you?

Lawrence: Loaded question, but Jimi Hendrix changed my life.

Wade: What’s one thing you think is really underrated?

Lawrence: I’ll share two: consistency and eight hours of sleep!

Wade: What’s an interesting or useful Airtable base you’ve built for yourself?

Lawrence: I made a workout tracker that I use at the gym to keep track of sets, weights, etc. You can check it out here: Workout Buddy

Wade: What advice do you wish you had earlier in life?

Lawrence: Be careful taking advice from people you wouldn’t trade positions with.

Wade: Why did you decide to work at Airtable?

Lawrence: The potential, the production, but most importantly, the people.