4 useful Airtable templates for students

4 useful Airtable templates for students

These days, students have a lot of responsibilities, from managing coursework to tracking college applications, and keeping on top of friendships. It’s a lot to juggle for anyone.

While you might not think of managing a database as the fix, these templates can help you with it all. We’ve rounded up four base templates for student-friendly workflows, from study guides to grad school applications. Copy them, tweak them liberally, or just use them as inspiration as you build your own base from scratch.

Prep for the big test with a study guide base

Airtable can store all kinds of information, including the info you need to memorize for finals week or your second stab at the SATs.

Use our study guides template to jot down important study topics or key phrases, along with related notes and images. Nailed a topic? Check the “memorized” box to track your progress.

Pro tip: Consider using the flashcard app, which uses records in your base to help you study. Head to the “apps” button near the top right of your base to open the apps marketplace and search for “flashcard app.”

Track college applications

The college application process is notoriously stressful, but having all of your school information and deadlines stored in one place can take *some* of the pressure off.

Copy our grad school applications template (applicable to all kinds of school application processes!) to rank your top schools, track applications deadlines, and more. Plus, use the URL field for easy access to the online application portal for each school, as well as the attachment field to keep your letters of reference handy.

Snagging that summer job or internship just got easier with our student job-search template.

List the jobs and/or companies you’re interested in, as well as additional details like job location and your level of interest. Utilize the Kanban view to see where you’re at in the application stage, and simply drag and drop your records to the next stage when things change.

Keep your house in order with a roommate management base

Living on campus? Remembering who was supposed to take out the trash is the last thing you want to be worrying about when you’re balancing multiple classes and extracurriculars.

This roommate house management template can help you track everything from household chores to important information related to your lease. There’s even a calendar view so everyone in your house knows exactly when it’s time to pay rent.

Want to see more ways you can use Airtable? Explore all of our templates to get a head start building your base.